
This Regulation will control noise from motor vehicles and marine vessels and set community standards on acceptable noise intrusion in homes from appliances such as intruder alarms, music amplifiers, air conditioners and powered garden tools.
Under the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989, the existing Protection of the Environment (Noise Control) Regulation 2000 is scheduled for automatic repeal on 1 September 2007. As required under this Act, DECC has prepared a Regulatory Impact Statement to assess the economic, social and environmental costs and benefits associated with the revised regulation and consider the alternatives. The Regulatory Impact Statement demonstrates the revised Regulation will provide the greatest net benefits to the community compared with possible alternatives.
The aim of the review is to update the Regulation and provide simple, straightforward and enforceable noise controls that match community expectations.
DECC urges stakeholders to provide feedback on the new Regulation.
Regulatory Impact Statement: Proposed Protection of the Environment Operations (Noise Control) Regulation 2007: 07186noiseris.pdf (1,108 kb, requires Acrobat Reader)
Information sheets are available summarising the key changes in the regulation which will affect motor vehicles (07260infomv.pdf; 22 kb, requires Acrobat Reader), marine vessels (07261infomarvess.pdf; 25 kb) and miscellaneous articles (07259infoarticles.pdf; 31 kb).
Comments, marked 'Noise Regulation Review', must be received at the address below by Friday 13 July 2007:
Noise Policy Section
Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW
PO Box A290
Sydney South NSW 1232
Phone: (02) 9995 5996
Fax: (02) 9995 5935
or via e-mail at noise_reg_review@environment.nsw.gov.au
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