Forcing the Silence
WHILE of course it is important that ordinary citizens should be able to go to court and question decisions made by governments and statutory authorities the present case before the Administrative Appeals Tribunal is carrying this right to extremes.
The appeal has been brought by a resident of Horseshoe Bay on Magnetic Island against the operation of the Red Baron seaplane which takes tourists on sightseeing flights around the island ...
THE moment they began operating, Mrs Connolly popped up complaining about the noise and the loss of amenity caused by the seaplane ...
She complained to GBRMPA which reviewed the permit it had issued and found everything AOK. But Mrs Connolly was not satisfied with the umpire's decision and pushed her case to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal ...
IF she wins this round and puts the Mills out of business does Mrs Connolly plan to take her silencing plan further? No more cockatoos, no more possums, no more music, no more talking, no more parties, no more laughing. Children will also have to go . . . in fact, all people will have to go to maintain the blessed silence. The only living thing left will be Mrs Connolly. I hope she doesn't make a noise.
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